The Laurus Company, Inc.


“This Is The God Of Israel!”


Book I 

Principles of The Doctrine Series

By Stan T. Albuquerque

This book tackles traditional views about God that are often assumed to be biblical, but in many cases have replaced the Bible itself. We will revisit the doctrine of the Trinity with a new set of eyes that will change how you view reality!

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Product Description


Book I

Principles of The Doctrine Series

“This Is The God Of Israel”

By Stan T. Albuquerque

If you were asked, “Solely using biblical language, what is God in His purest form,” how would you answer? What is He really like? What is His true nature, unvarnished from tradition and religious rhetoric?” You would think the answers to these questions ought to be easy. While the answers may appear simple, most of us have complicated it to the point that defining the Godhead is daunting. It has been said that it is easier to attack the doctrine of the Trinity than it is to defend it. And with the increasing resurgence and wider acceptance of the pagan gods from antiquity in pop culture, now more than ever we must know exactly what it is we believe about God … and why.

The God of the Bible is infinitely superior to all these so-called gods. This book will explore exactly how and why that is true, and how it is utterly impossible for the God of Israel to ever be compared with any of them.

This book tackles traditional views about God that are often assumed to be biblical, but in many cases have replaced the Bible itself. After reading this book, you will clearly identify the absolute essential characteristic about God most often ignored, even by Christians. It is that very aspect of His nature that makes Him absolutely superior to everything else that exists. We will revisit the doctrine of the Trinity with a new set of eyes that will change how you view reality and how profound your faith in God really is!

Finally, we will discover the special role we play as believers in revealing the Most High God of the Bible to the world. It is bigger and better than you think! Let us journey together as we delve deeply into the realm of His reality and declare to all creation with one voice, “THIS IS THE GOD OF ISRAEL!”

Additional Information

Weight .859 lbs
Dimensions 6 x 9 x 0.60420 in


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